
Self-pubbed Rhythm and Blue
a little over a month ago, and so far, I’ve sold enough copies to take my family out to McDonalds— twice if we order from the kid’s menu. I’ve had some great reviews from friends (thank you so much), and some from people I don’t know, yet that seems to have no effect.

I’m on my fourth cover, and while the latest cover has improved sample downloads, it has not improved sales. Additionally, I’ve played around with the sample percentage I offer to perspective readers. Nothing. I have now lowered the price to see if that has any effect. I’ll give it a few weeks at the new price and see if that makes a difference.

Meanwhile, I’ve been dragging my feet on the print release because I’m hoping to get some input from a carefully chosen professional editor to tighten the story. I think it’s a great story (of course I do), but I also think it could be much better, and I need some input as to how to go about that. Unfortunately, few good editors are willing to work pro bono- go figure! Although I haven’t tried offering a cut of any future sales, my gut tells me that wouldn’t fly either.

Anyone who has read it knows that the overall feel of the story changes dramatically from start to finish, and maybe that is my fatal flaw. I tried to give a glimpse of later parts of the book at the start, but maybe it’s not enough. Perhaps it’s just bad writing; at this point, I don’t know what to think, and I’m so tired of screwing around with it. Many of my writer friends tell me to just move on, but I can’t do that. Rhythm in Blue will always be my baby, no matter what I do from here on out.

I’m courting a couple of Indie rock bands in hopes of obtaining some musical rights for a book trailer. Can’t really see having a book trailer about a rock star using classical music; it just doesn’t fit. If anyone knows someone who wants to get some music out there in a new way, let me know!

On a brighter note, I will be having author Jenn Nixon do a guest blog on May 6th! I’m very excited about that, as I’ve never had a guest blogger before, and I’m curious to see how that goes. Might be something I’ll have to think about doing more often.

And so the odyssey continues…all a process of trial and error, but I knew that going in.